Your TASK: Create a flowchart that can be used to write an algorithm that calculates a player's score after a turn

NOTE: Don't forget the syntax for Flowcharts! (each shape represents an action)

Try to implement selection and/or iteration in your algorithm

Please do this using Google Drawing. It can be found in your Google Drive if you click New > More > Google Drawings

Write the working algorithm in Python

Make sure to initialize / define any variables you may need

Add comments to your code!

How to submit: Make a shareable link to your Flowchart with commenting access through Google Drive's "Share" feature

Make a comment with the link at the top of the code block that holds your algorithm (use # for comments in Python)

Submit a link to your algorithm (with the commented link to Flowchart) in the comment/issue found on the schedule

Grading DUE FRIDAY 12/09 BY 5:00 PM


You will be graded based on:

how functional your algorithm is

how well your Flowchart is organized

If something comes up, feel free to DM us on Slack