Variables hold data in the the code. Types of variables:

  • ints
  • string
  • floats
  • doubles
  • boulen

Dont make too comlex because it would be to hard to read keep it in a consitant format that you can reconize easly. No spaces!

Int whole numbers x = 1

Floats decimal numbers to a limit x = 1.0001

doubles unlimited decimals in a number x = 1.0000000000000000000000000000000001

string Is just a word x = “Yo” or x = ‘yo’

boulien True or False x = True

list A list can be used to make variables more easy to format and store in your code as well as better use of them. x = [“y”, “k”, “o”]

Asingments Alows you to change a variable in a code.

Data Abstraction used to represnt data in a useful form

  • List
  • Eliments
  • Index
  • String

List is the whole thing eliments value in a string Index the place of a eliment in a list starts at 0

How To add Elements to a List in Python append() : append the element to the end of the list. insert() : inserts the element before the given index. extend() : extends the list by appending elements from the iterable. List Concatenation: We can use the + operator to concatenate multiple lists and create a new list.

managing complexity makes it better to read update and convert the data.

colorlist=[“green”, “red”, “pink”, “purple”, “blue”, “brown”]

for i in colorlist: print(i)